
Sunday, February 21, 2010

1,000 solar rickshaws to ferry Commonwealth Games athletes

NEW DELHI: New delhi would deploy at least 1,000 solar rickshaws to ferry over 7,000 athletes and their delegates during the Commonwealth Games in October.

A joint project between Delhi government and the central government-run Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), these zero carbon vehicles will help players commute inside the Games villages and reach sporting venues from Metro stations.

According to a senior scientist at CSIR, "Its a unique initiative, where both innovation and concern for environment will be on display". "We hope the initiative will be a huge hit among athletes from across the globe. The fleet of 1,000 solar rickshaws will reduce the carbon foot print and provide hassle free travel to our guest sportsmen," said Kumar, who has been coordinating with the city government.

These rickshaws are the greenest transport vehicles and help the cause of Green Games as promised by the Delhi government. These are optimally designed, pedal operated, motor assisted green pedicabs which draw their power from overhead solar panels.

Over 7,000 players and delegates from over 70 countries will reach Delhi to be a part of the Commonwealth Games Oct 3-14 in the national capital.

These vehicles were developed by CSIR's Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute based in Durgapur.

Kumar said he and his team are working hard to popularise the vehicle and set to hold a rally in its favour. "We are going to hold a rally of at least 50 solar rickshaws in Delhi to create awareness among people about the vehicle that reduces human drudgery and improves environment."

Friday, February 19, 2010

India’s travel industry to expand 5-6 % in 2010

According to InterGlobe Technology Quotient, a leading global travel and technology distribution company, India’s travel industry is likely to grow at 5-6 % 2010, a little higher than the expected global average of 4.5 %.

ITQ CEO J B Singh said, “We expect a steady growth of close to 5-6 per cent for the travel industry of India. A bit above the expected global average of 4.5 per cent”.

He said that the Commonwealth Games in October would drive travel volumes both, inbound and intra India and also boost India’s image as a travel destination.

Singh said that 2009 was a year of many changes in the travel economy for India as overall global markets went down by as much as 15 per cent due to the economic downturn.

Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) in January were estimated 4.91 lakh, an increase of 16.4 per cent over the year ago period. Overseas arrivals had contracted by 17.6 per cent in January 2009 compared to the same month last year.

According to Mr. Singh, adoption of technology is an important factor, which can also help the growth of the Indian travel business. “In 2010 alternate booking solutions via new technologies like mCommerce and taking the travel agent online will have a great impact,” he said.

Singh said the enhanced capacity with aircraft induction as well as reconfiguring of aircraft to full economy would provide greater production in the domestic space. The growth in budget hotels in the organised sector would be another stimulant for the travel industry, Singh said.

MTNL : The Telecom Service Provider for Commonwealth Games 2010

New Delhi: The Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. (MTNL) has been finalised as the Telecom Service Provider for the Commonwealth Games 2010. Rs.182 crore has been approved as budget by the Cabinet on Thursday for MTNL for this purpose.

MTNL will provide a robust, effective and failure-proof system of telecommunication. This system will cater to the need of transmission of Games Data, Security Data, High Definition (HDTV) Broadcast signal etc. between Sports venues, International Broadcasting Centre, Main Press Centre, Master Control facilities etc.

With this support of Rs.182 crore from the Government, MTNL will establish an exclusive and dedicated telecommunication network to be obtained on Wet Lease inclusive of supply, installation, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance and providing professional services.

The proposed network will comprise of two separate networks; the first network will provide coverage to all Games Applications, Administrative and Games Real Time Application, Video Surveillance for security agencies, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP), Internet Services at all the designated venues alongwith management system. It will be called the Managed Data Network (MDN).

Whereas the second network will provide an exclusive coverage for video application to facilitate Uncompressed High Definition Studio to Studio, video transport from stadium to IBC and Cable Access TV (CATV) Broadcast Network. This network will be called the Broadcast Network (BN).

MTNL has planned network with multiple redundancy using high capacity Internet Protocol / Multi Protocol Label Switching (IP / MPLS) Technology. MTNL would also provide Dark Fibre alongwith IP/MPLS at no cost to the Government.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

India Assures Top Level security to World Athletes

commonwealth-games-securityNEW DELHI: Amidst the rising terrorist threats against the Commonwealth Games, India has assured tight security for upcoming sporting events including, Indian Premier League cricket and hockey World Cup.

Home Minister P Chidambaram said India would not be deterred from hosting events. He said, "We are committed to provide security to everybody, including coaches, players, officials and whosoever participates. Nobody would be allowed to dictate terms to us."

But some athletes had second thoughts about competing in India after a bombing Saturday night killed 11 people in a bakery popular with foreigners in the western city of Pune.

Concerns grew after the Asia Times Online Web site published a message, reportedly from a Kashmir-based guerrilla commander linked to al-Qaida, warning countries not to send athletes to play in October's Commonwealth Games, the upcoming IPL cricket season and the field hockey World Cup later this month.

"If they do, they will be responsible for the consequences," guerrilla commander Ilyas Kashmiri was quoted as saying.

In response, Australian cricket great Shane Warne said he was reconsidering playing in the IPL if the threats were proven to be credible.

Warne, who is set to leave later this month for India to captain-coach Rajasthan Royals, was quoted in Thursday's The Daily Telegraph newspaper in Sydney that the threat by Pakistani-based militants had him worried.

"The threats of the past 24 hours have certainly got me thinking twice and is of deep concern to athletes across a number of sports," Warne said.

He advised the organizers to consider moving the tournament if the threats are credible.

"We moved it last year at short notice and it can be done, and there is no way organizers will risk the safety of players and officials," he said.

South Africa hosted the Twenty20 IPL tournament last year due to safety concerns in India relating to a general election.

Meanwhile, Indian hockey officials said the government was taking every precaution to secure the men's World Cup starting Feb. 28 and police planned to brief embassy officials about their security plans.

"There is absolutely no need to panic. The commonwealth games security arrangements are foolproof and are taken care at the highest level," the Press Trust of India quoted hockey chief Narinder Batra say saying Thursday.

Australia's field hockey team confirmed Thursday it would take part in the World Cup after being assured there has been "no change to the threat environment" in the country.

The Pakistan Hockey Federation said it was sending two representatives to Delhi on Thursday to assess security, as the Pakistani government cleared its team to play.

The English Hockey Board said it planned to take part and the New Zealand field hockey association also said it would send its team, though it delayed its departure after the terror warning was made public.

Perry Crosswhite, head of the Australian Commonwealth Games Association, said Australia was committed to attending the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi in October.

"We are going to these games," Crosswhite said Thursday. "We have to continue this way. Unless something happens that does not allow the games to go ahead, we will have a team there."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ecological Code for Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010 unveiled

commonwealth-games-go-greenThe XIX Commonwealth games in Delhi is all set to be the first ever completely green sporting event. Advancing in this context, today the landmark ecological code for the XIX Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi was unvieled, which aims to ensure reasonable consumption of electricity and water in all the stadiums.

The ecological code were released by Delhi Chief Minister Smt. Sheila Dikshit along with Mr. Suresh Kalmadi, Chairman Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi Organising Committee. Mr. Kalmadi said, "this measure would go a long way to limit the carbon footprint in Delhi and would strive to make the XIX Commonwealth Games pollution free."

He added, "Releasing of the code is the first step towards ensuring that we are successful in our mission of conducting the first ever green games in the history of the Commonwealth Games. The Organising Committee is deeply and passionately committed towards preserving and restoring the environment and establishing a benchmark for low carbon sporting events and will be successful in showcasing Delhi 2010 as sustainable "Green Games".

Also present there was Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Union Minister of State for External Affairs and Chairman & Green Games Sub-committee OC CWG Delhi 2010, who also acknowledged the Organising Committee 2010 Delhi initiative to launch the drive towards green games concept, educating people and creating awareness for environmental protection.

In his concluding remark, Mr. Kalmadi, gently reminded everyone on the importance of preserving our environment, he said, " Paidh Hai to Sher Hai"

Smt. Dikshit, Delhi Chief Minister stated that "all stadia are being constructed to ensure reasonable consumption of electricity and water in stadia during the games." "There is also focus on bio-diverse plantation to offset the carbon footprint", she added.

Dr. Shashi Tharoor, reiterated that the XIX Commonwealth Games would be the "greenest Commonwealth Games ever." He further went on to add that "the games would leave a legacy beyond roads and infrastructure; one of greater consciousness of the environment."

Monday, February 15, 2010

Spas & gyms to be rated for Commonwealth Games 2010

spas-gyms-in-delhi New Delhi:After rating the eating joints in delhi, the wellness services, gymnasiums, spas and other such centres running in the capital will soon be rated on the basis of their quality ahead of the Commonwealth Games 2010 to ensure better standards.

NABH, The National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers, a constituent board of Quality Council of India, has started the process of bringing fitness centres under the grading system.

All gymnasiums, spas, skincare centres, cosmetic care centres, fitness centres and immunisation centres are eligible to get accreditation, according to NABH.

"All wellness centres can fill application form and our specially constituted committee subjected to satisfactory inspection of the facility will give them a certificate of quality services," said Girdhar J Gyani, Secretary General, Quality Council of India.

No effect of Pune blast on Australian Games officials

commonwealth-games-security MELBOURNE: After the blast in Pune, security fears have mounted enormously and the Australian Commonwealth Games officials here have sought more information from the government ahead of the Delhi Commonwealth Games in October this year.

Perry Crosswhite, CEO of the Australian Commonwealth Games Association, said he has asked the foreign ministry to give more details about the security in India. He said, "We are renewing our request for information. I have been in touch with foreign affairs this morning".

He said his concerns were not increased by the attack which has been linked to the Pakistan-based terror outfit.

The bomb, hidden in a backpack under a table, exploded on Saturday at the German Bakery restaurant, which is a magnet for young Indians and foreign tourists.

Crosswhite said the athletes would not face the same security risks faced by everyday tourists.

"All the areas where our team is going to be - the village, the airport - are all going to extremely secure". Foreign Afairs ministry has already issues an advisory to all its citizens asking them to exercise caution while they are travelling to India.

The blast killed nine people while upto 57 were left injured which also include a number of foerign citizens.

Delhi schools will remain closed during CWG

schools-in-delhi New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit said on monday that schools in the national capital will remain closed during the Commonwealth Games to overcome traffic congestion.

In an advisory sent to Delhi schools, both government and private, the Delhi government has asked the schools to reschedule holidays for the academic year 2010-11 keeping in view the Commonwealth Games being organised from October 3 -14.

Dikshit said, "For smooth hosting of Commonwealth games and to avoid traffic congestion, it has been decided to extend the autumn break from eight to 17 days while summer vacations have been reduced from 61 days to 49 days".
The autumn break will be from October 1 to October 17.

"The rescheduling of the breaks will not affect the working hours of schools as working days in 2010-11 would be 218 compared to 215 in 2009-10," she said.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Power Ministry urges to set green example in Delhi Games

commonwealth-games-go-greenThe Power ministry of India has written to the Commonwealth Games organising committee to set an example by using energy-efficient appliances and lighting in the Commonwealth Games stadiums and Village.

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency, a division of the ministry of Power, has written to the committee urging it to “showcase” India as leader in energy efficiency. The committee has been asked to procure appliances with a five-star energy rating only.

According to a senior official of BEE, “We believe equipment and appliances still need to be procured for Games venues and the housing complexes. The time for intervention is now, and the Games should be the way of setting an example”.

Under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (conceived two years ago), setting up energy-efficient systems falls under methods of mitigating climate change — and mandatory labelling of electric appliances is one of the first targets under the plan. While work on this has already begun, several other policies are still in the conception stage.

The Ministry of Environment and Forests held a meeting with the BEE and the Games officials last week to chart a strategy to achieve targets and showcase India’s climate-friendly policies through the Commonwealth Games.

While energy efficiency labelling — more stars signify that more energy is saved — is now mandatory for tubelights, frost-free refrigerators, air-conditioners and transformers, the same rules will soon be imposed on washing machines as well. “We are still in the process of bringing more products and appliances under the ambit of energy labelling. The Games (committee), meanwhile, should certainly invest in ensuring that most appliances are energy-efficient,” the official said.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Almost 70% rooms are ready for Commonwealth Games

New Delhi: According to a review of hotel projects coming up for the Commonwealth Games in the national capital region, 7307 rooms have been completed, which is almostb 70% of the total target of 10,540 rooms.

This figure was revealed after the 27th meeting of the task force set up to monitor augmentation of hotel accommodation in the national capital region (NCR) of Delhi.

The tourism ministry said, "The performance of hotel projects of Haryana is commendable as 85% of the 6,766 ‘definite’ rooms have been completed and efforts are being made to complete the rest as early as possible.

Several hotels in Haryana are receiving their completion certificates and are likely to be inaugurated in the next few months.

The promoters of the rest are striving to complete the projects and operationalise the hotels by March 31 to receive the benefits of the five-year tax holiday announced by the government for hotels coming up for the Games

Commonwealth Games telecast deal soon

NEW DELHI: The government on Friday said a formal announcement on the deal with British company SIS Live, which will broadcast Commonwealth Games, would be made soon and denied any "slippages" in finalising the contract.

DG Doordarshan Aruna Sharma had assured the ministry's oversight committee (formed for supervising broadcast related work for Commonwealth Games) that all pending issues had been sorted out with SIS and the contract would soon be signed, according to sources from I&B ministry.

"The oversight committee met two days back and DG (Doordarshan) assured that the contract has more or less been finalised and barring some minor issues, it would be soon signed and sealed. We have already sought the written opinion of the solicitor general and the moment the contract is finalised, there would be a formal announcement," the source said.

Prasar Bharati, the host broadcaster of Commonwealth Games, had finalised SIS Live from among several bidders in October last year. However, the formalities regarding preparing a contract has been held up for several months. The ministry has referred to the obstacles as "minor issues" but matters had come to such a head that the ministry had to take the solicitor general's view.

Ministry sources, however, dismissed concerns over the delay in preparations for Commonwealth Games saying that work was going on as per schedule and there were no slippages. "Only some minor issues are to be addressed, which have been taken care of," sources said.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

3500 Games flats up for grabs by year-end

NEW DELHI: For a city severely short on housing units, there's good news by the year-end. Around 3,500 flats being built in Vasant Kunj and Jasola for the Commonwealth Games are close to completion and will be in the market later this year. This is in addition to the existing stock of 15,000 flats to be ready in 2010, officials said.

"The flats are going to be part of the stock that will be disposed of by the DDA, though the mode of disposal hasn't been decided yet,'' said DDA spokesperson Neemo Dhar. Officials said the flats, which fall under various categories including LIG, MIG and HIG, are expected to be ready by March-April this year. These flats, earmarked for the Commonwealth Games, will yield more than 5,000 rooms for accommodation of sports delegates and officials during the Games.
Furnished by Indian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), the flats come with modern fittings and facilities, including a common dining area and recreational space, in keeping with the needs of the visitors. DDA officials, however, said the agency hadn't decided if the flats would thereafter be sold with the renovated fittings.

According to DDA officials, more than 15,000 flats are going to be ready this year and could well be the biggest housing scheme to come from the DDA if the flats are all put in the market in toto. However, officials admitted that chances of that happening were small, as the 3,500 flats that are coming up in Vasant Kunj and Jasola would only be available after the Commonwealth Games in October this year.

"The flats may be sold as part of a separate scheme, as these would be available much later whereas the Authority is hoping to launch a housing scheme earlier than that,'' added a senior DDA official.

The agency also has plans to build 42,000 flats over the next four years. For this year though, it plans to complete 15,000 flats, with 5,000 to be commissioned and built by March. In fact, in this year's budget, the DDA has set aside Rs 1470 crore towards building residential units.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Eating joints will be rated by Delhi government

New Delhi: Delhi Government will soon start rating restaurants, dhabas, takeaway joints and other food establishments in the city in order to ensure safe and hygienic food during the Commonwealth Games.

Delhi Chief Secretary Rakesh Mehta attended a meeting with the representatives of CII, hotel industry and Delhi government's health department officials, and took the decision.

Officials said Delhi government may soon ask the MCD to also rate road-side dhabas on parameters of safe and hygienic foods.

The CII representatives have volunteered to extend their expertise in giving ratings of the food establishments to ensure quality.

Officials said the government will put in place specific norms for restaurants and eating joints to ensure that they sell and distribute hygienic food.

They said the government will come out with a directory of all food establishments with ratings in the scale of one to five.

Security exercises for Commonwealth Games start

New Delhi: Dry runs to check the level of security preparedness, emergency response, behaviour and coordination among various agencies ahead of the New Delhi Commonwealth Games will kick off at a shooting competition at the Dr Karni Singh shooting range in south-east Delhi Wednesday.

A temporary venue security command has also been set up at the shooting range and the multiple agencies involved in the exercise are the ministry of home affairs, Delhi airport, district police, traffic police, security cell, special cell, central paramilitary forces including National Security Guard (NSG), intelligence agencies and civil administration authorities like Municipal Corporation of Delhi (DTC), Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) and Delhi Fire Service (DFS).

“It has been decided at a meeting with Delhi Police, organising committee and other agencies to take every event as run up to the Commonwealth Games. It will be a full-fledged rehearsal where multiple agencies will coordinate and work hand-in-hand to prevent any untoward incident,” a highly placed security source told IANS.

“Wednesday's shooting event is the dress rehearsal for the Commonwealth Games. We will follow the drill of taking players and athletes from the airport or their respective place of accommodation to the stadium as per the pre-decided planning with all concerned agencies,” the official added.

The response of all stakeholders will again be monitored Feb 18-28 when the National Rifle Association of India (NRAI) will organise another shooting competition at the range.

The same drill come into play at the World Cup Hockey, which will take place Feb 28-March 13 at the Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium in the heart of the national capital. Twelve countries, including Pakistan, Germany and Australia, are participating in the event.

The next security check will be during the March 7-13 archery event at the Yamuna Sports Complex. According to highly placed sources, these dry runs will be conducted till the start Commonwealth Games Oct 3. Over 70 countries are participating in the Games that will be held at different venues in the national capital and its suburbs Oct 3-14.

Though the government and the organisers are committed to safe Games, security continues to be the prime concern of quite a few participating countries, including Britain and Australia.

A delegation of security experts from Britain, which was here last month in the wake of concerns raised by some of their athletes, expressed its satisfaction over the security arrangements for the Games.

Online lottery launched to raise fund for games

NEW DELHI: Taking a cue from the organizers of Beijing olympics(2008), London olympics(2012), and Glasgow commonwealth games(2014), the Delhi Commonwealth Secretariat has launched a special online lottery series hoping to raise over Rs 500 crore to fund the Games. The lottery was launched last week in 12 states, will continue for the next 23 months, said a top official, requesting anonymity. The top prizes could include luxury cars such as Mercedes, gold coins and cash prizes.

Since lottery is a state subject, and some states have banned the practice. The CWG panel has written to these states requesting them to make a one-time exception, said another official. “It’s for a good cause,” he said, asking not to be named.

In fact, Scotland, which would host the 2014 Commonwealth Games at Glasgow, has already started working on a lottery draw. The Scottish government plans to raise £150 million, about 50% of the total expenditure. London, which is hosting the 2012 Olympics, is looking to raise £2.2 billion (out of total expenditure of £9.4 billion) through lotteries. For the Beijing Olympics, the China Olympics Sports Lottery raised $140 million.

The New Delhi commonwealth games is expected to cost nearly Rs 1,300 crore and is to be funded by a variety of sources including government grants, sponsorships and broadcasting rights. “The idea of the Delhi Commonwealth Raffle took time to implement as several state governments have put a ban on lotteries. But these bans were mainly for paper lotteries of yesteryears. Online lotteries are safe and rigging-proof,” the CWG official said.

The government of Mizoram will conduct the raffle series across the country. Mizoram will conduct the lottery in tandem with gaming technology provider Bigstar G Services, a Chennai-based firm. The firm owns and operates lottery franchisees and is one of the lottery operators in the country.

“We have been appointed as an exclusive marketing agent by the Mizoram government to raise revenues for Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010,” an executive of the company, based in Mizoram, said requesting anonymity.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Group of 200 masseurs to be formed for games

New Delhi: A core group of 200 masseurs trained in the famous therapeutic ayurvedic massages of Kerala will be trained in "Games-specific massages" for the 8,000 odd sportspersons during the Commonwealth Games. To decide on about 100 trained masseurs, the Delhi government will send teams to Kerala over the weekend.

For another 100 masseurs, 70 will be brought from West Bengal and some 30-odd may be selected from Delhi. To train masseurs for the 8,000-odd players expected to come to the capital in October 2010, the Organising Committee of the Commonwealth Games will bring in experts who will hold training sessions aimed at "games-specific massage therapies".

The Delhi government's health department is planning to send its team over the coming weekend to Kerala to finalize the list of masseurs who will be given the necessary training. Health minister Kiran Walia pointed that the ayurvedic massages of Kerala are famous and it has been found that masseurs of some institutes in West Bengal are also good. "In fact, research has shown that masseurs of Indian system of medicine like Ayurveda are probably among the best in massaging techniques," Walia said.

Delhi health minister and chairman of the Medical Committee for the Games, pointed that masseurs specializing in sports massages were an important component of the arrangements to be made on the health front.

"The special 'Games-specific' massages are aimed to cater to the needs of athletes and sportsmen of the calibre of the 2010 Games. Thus masseurs will have to be trained for which the Organising Committee of the Commonwealth Games Federation will be bringing in experts. At the state government level, too, there will be some training programmes," Walia added.

Barcelona expresses desire to beautify Delhi before 2010 games

Delhi: Barcelona, the host city of successful 1992 Olympic Games, has offered its cooperation and expertise in beautifying Delhi before 19th Commonwealth Games to be held Oct 3-14.

A Spanish delegation, led by Ambassador Ion de la Riva and including director of international relations of Barcelona City Council and a former director of the department of urban planning, Monday called on Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit at her office.

'The city of Barcelona has offered to sign a friendship agreement with Delhi. Director of international relations of Barcelona City Council Josep Roca and a former director of the department of urban planning during the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, Josep Acebillo, were keen to know about ongoing infrastructure development in Delhi in view of the Commonwealth Games,' said an official statement here.

'They offered to render their constructive cooperation and expertise in setting up public art in various parts of the city,' the statement added.

Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit expressed her gratitude and stated that friendship agreement will prove to be beneficial to both the cities.

Thyagraj stadium will get its own gas turbine, turns green

Delhi: The officials of Delhi’s Public Works Department will be getting ready next week to receive a special shipment from Switzerland. It’s a gas turbine meant for Thyagraj Stadium near the INA market. It will help make the Commonwealth Games a lot “greener” event and a few neighbourhoods in South Delhi a lot brighter at night.

During the Games, the 2.5 MW power generated from it will run the stadium. After the Games, the same power will light up at least 625 homes in nearby areas.

“The 2.5 MW is more than enough to run the stadium, which will not see any power disruption,” said a PWD official, requesting anonymity.

“It will make the venue more environment friendly, and using the power for the public after the Games makes good sense,” the official said.

But this novel project has already raised some doubt regarding its viability as an asset after the Games because of the cost. The estimated per-unit cost is expected to be Rs 10 — three to five times more than what discoms get from other power sources.

The quantum of power in question, fortunately, is miniscule compared to Delhi’s total power consumption, which is expected to cross the 5,000 MW-mark this year.

“Since the government is pushing the project, it might get through because the total power generated is too meagre,” the source said.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Haryana Demands Rs.347 crore for Commonwealth Games security

In the wake of commonwealth games 2010, to be held in New Delhi in October, Haryana government wants the central government to foot a bill of Rs.347 crore as the state makes security arrangements in the national capital region (NCR) for the Commonwealth Games.

Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda has urged the centre to provide one-time special grant of Rs.312 crore for strengthening the police infrastructure in the NCR, according to State government officials.

In addition, an amount of Rs.35.41 crore has been sought by Haryana for achieving integration of infrastructure and security related technology for the Commonwealth Games.

'The proposal for the one-time grant and security needs for the Games have already been submitted to the central government,' the officials said.

The CWG will be held in New Delhi from Oct 3 to 14 this year.

The Haryana government has also sought mega city status for the NCR towns of Gurgaon and Faridabad.

Haryana surrounds Delhi on three sides of the NCR. The state is making available nearly 7,000 rooms in hotels and guest houses for visitors coming for the Games.

More ambulances needed before Games

New Delhi: The partnership of delhi government with Fortis hospitals is off now after Delhi health minister finds first batch of ambulances ‘below par’. The Delhi government’s Health department is out shopping for basic and advanced life support ambulances after the partnership with Fortis hospitals fell through recently.

According to sources, the government will now have to source ambulances from “elsewhere” to meet the Commonwealth Games deadline.

The government had partnered with Fortis group of hospitals to roll out 150 fully equipped ambulances ahead of the Games — the first batch was to be delivered in January.

The public-private partnership, however, fell through after Delhi Health minister Kiran Walia inspected the fleet that was ready to be delivered. “I rode on an ambulance and found it inferior to the standards being expected,” Walia said. “We are now in negotiation with some companies who will be able to provide ambulances in time for the Games.”

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bharat Yatra Kendra to be developed for Commonwealth Games

Chandigarh: The Bharat Yatra Kendra developed by former Prime Minister Chander Shekhar at Bhondsi village in Gurgaon district would be developed as an attractive tourist spot, in view of the Commonwealth Games.

The task will be done by the Haryana Panchayat and Development department, Forest and Environment department in collaboration with the Haryana Tourism. The repair of existing buildings and structures at the Kendra would be taken up In first phase.

The decision was taken in a high level meeting held under the chairmanship of Chief Parliamentary Secretary Dharambir Singh last evening, an official spokesman said.

The meeting was attended by financial commissioner of panchayat department P Raghvendra Rao, director panchayats Lajvir Singh, Gurgaon Deputy Commissioner Rajender Kataria, office bearers of Bhondsi Gram Panchayat and officers from Forest and Environment department.

Since the ownership of the land measuring 588 acres under Bharat Yatra Kendra now vested with the Bhondsi Gram Panchayat, Mr Dharamvir Singh asked the officers to involve the panchayat in the works to be taken up on this land.

He said initially, the panchayat would provide funds for the development of the area and when the project got approved, those funds would be returned back to the panchayat by the Forest and Environment department.

Mr Dharamvir Singh, an MLA from Sohna, in which this Kendra fell, said funds allocated under the project would be operated through a joint account of the Gram Panchayat, forest and environment department so that transparency remained in the expenditure.

Commonwealth Games a big opportinity for India

New Delhi: Union Tourism Minister Kumari Selja has described the forthcoming Commonwealth Games in Delhi as a big opportunity to showcase India's beauty and its rich cultural diversity.

Inaugurating the newly renovated Hotel Janpath in the Capital, the Minister said, "Commonwealth Games is a big opportunity for all of us in India. Thousands of athletes and tourists from all over the World will come to India during the Games and witness the country's rich cultural diversity and its beauty."

Addressing reporters at the inauguration of the hotel, which has been designated as the Games family hotel, the Minister, however, said all stakeholders involved in the Games had to pitch in for timely completion of the infrastructure pertaining to the Games.

"All the stakeholders have to pitch in for timely completion of tourist infrastructure for the Games" Ms Selja said.

Makeover of Hotel Janpath
  • Hotel Janpath has undergone an extensive makeover, to bring it on par with global quality standards, to host the international delegates of the upcoming Commonwealth Games.
  • The newly inaugurated hotel now boasts of 148 renovated rooms including 20 suites, which are functional yet luxurious.
  • The lobby of the hotel has been completely re-designed to give an impression of a lavish entrance, and is reminiscent of Lutyen's architectural theme.
  • To give a grand look, the double height lobby has been adorned with massive imported crystal chandeliers from Czech Republic and Italian marble flooring which adds to the hotel's exuberance.
  • The entire look of the hotel has been designed to project Indian extravagance. While the original structure of Hotel Janpath is intact, several contemporary additions have been made to appeal to the world traveler.
  • The hotel exterior has been adorned with tinted glasses to give a classy appearance to the entire façade.

To appeal to a global palette, Hotel Janpath will now offer extensive cuisines ranging from Italian and Mediterranean to Mangalorean and North Indian.

The renovation of Janpath Hotel is part of the endeavour by the India Tourism Development Corporation to renovate the state-run hotels Asoka, Samrat and Janpath to create a world class ambience to cater to the foreign tourists expected to throng the city during the International sporting event, scheduled to be held in October.

Talking to UNI on the occasion, Director (Commercial and Marketing) Rajiv Makkar said a total budget of of Rs 100 crore has been earmarked for the renovation of the three hotels.

The target date for completion of the renovation process is March 31, 2010, he said.

Central Bank of India gearing up for Commonwealth games

Mumbai: The Central Bank of India is gearing up for the 19th Commonwealth Games to be held in New Delhi in October as the exclusive banking partner of the Games.

The Bank in a release here said it would set up 25 ATMs, including some mobile, ATM, and a few new branches exclusively to cater to the needs of national and international players, besides delegates and vistors and others connected with the Games.

The first of such ATMs was inaugurataed at the NDMC premises, where the Organising Committee of Commonwealth Games was functioning, the Bank said.

The Bank will also make available several facilities through its existing Branch network as well as the proposed Branches.

Such facilities include:
  • Opening of accounts
  • Issue of Credit/Debit/Prepaid Cards
  • Remittance through RTGS/NEFT
  • Issue and payment of Travellers Cheques/International Currencies
  • Forex remittance into and outside India
  • Credit facilities in eligible cases

The unique prepaid card will facilitate purchases within the Games area or outside in Delhi without the need to carry cash and facilitate e-commerce through e-payment gateway to enable purchase of goods and services including purchase of air tickets.

England top badminton player targets Commonwealth Games medals

Housnlow: England’s number one men’s singles player, Rajiv Ouseph says this weekend’s English National Badminton Championships could be an important stepping stone en route to October's Commonwealth Games in Delhi.

The 23-year-old is top seed for the men’s singles at the Championships, which got under way today at Manchester Velodrome.

Rajiv, ranked 24th in the world, is aiming to win his third successive title - if successful, he would be the first person to achieve the feat since Darren Hall in 1991.

“It’s not something I’m going to think about much, I’m just going to take each match as it comes,” said Rajiv.

“The English Nationals are a good opportunity to test yourself against the other players in the country.

“There’s a bit of pressure, because you’re expected to win, but it’s good to have that pressure sometimes.

“We’ve had a period of hard training over the winter and I’m feeling good going into the championships.”

Rajiv, who trains at the Badminton England’s National Badminton Centre in Milton Keynes, has his heart set on a place in the England team to compete at the Commonwealth Games.

Subject to selection, he thinks he would have a good chance of winning a medal in the men’s singles in India – despite the likely presence of Malaysia's Lee Chong Wei, current world number one and reigning Commonwealth Games champion.

“He’s just won a couple of big tournaments but, if you’re in the other half of the draw, realistically I think medalling would be quite achievable," said Rajiv, a member of England’s bronze medal winning badminton team at the Bendigo Commonwealth Youth Games in 2004.

“The Commonwealth Games are definitely up there for me. Playing at the Games would definitely be an experience for me.

"It’s just below the Olympics and it’s a multi-sport event - they don’t come around very often.”

Rajiv is coached by two-time national champion Aamir Ghaffar, who represented England in the men’s singles at the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games, finishing fourth.

England have won the Commonwealth Games men’s singles gold only once – that went to Stephen Baddeley in Edinburgh in the1986 Games.

England finished second to Malaysia in the badminton medals table at the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games with two golds, a silver and two bronzes.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Game's Torch would enter India from Pakistan on June 25

AMRITSAR: Member Rajya Sabha Tarlochan Singh in a statement here today informed that the lighting torch of Common Wealth games would arrive in India on June 25 this year from Pakistan through the land transit route of Indo-Pak international Attari border. Games to be held at Delhi this year.

Talking to media persons, Tarlochan Singh who is also president media committee of Common Wealth Games informed that torch would reach India after passing through 70 countries. Torch would enter on Indian Territory 100 days earlier before the beginning of Common Wealth Games.

Anju Bobby George willn't participate in Commonwealth Games

Bangalore: India's medal chances in athletics at the Commonwealth Games in October received a blow on Friday with ace long jumper Anju Bobby George pulling out of the mega event.

The former World No.4, who has not competed since the Beijing Olympics, told TOI here that she will be skipping the whole of 2010 and hopes to return to action early next year. "I wanted to take part and win before my fans in Delhi. But I won't be able to compete due to personal reasons and I have already informed the Athletics Federation of India (AFI) officials," Anju said without revealing the details.

Asked if fans would be able to see her back in action again, as a comeback from a two-and-a-half-year sabbatical is difficult, Anju was very confident about her return. "No way I am quitting the sport as I still feel I can compete in one more Olympics. I'll try and be ready for the London Games in 2012. And If I compete there, I'll surely not go as a spectator. I'm sure with all my experience and with the help of Bobby (husband and coach), I can make a comeback," the 32-year-old Customs officer added.

Anju first hogged the limelight winning the bronze medal in the CWG in 2002 and then in the Busan Asian Games where she clinched the gold. The next year she created history in Paris becoming the first Indian to win a medal (bronze) in the World Athletics championship. In 2005, Anju was again basking in glory after winning the silver in the World Athletics final, an achievement rated by many as the high point of her career.

However, Anju's best performance came in the Athens Olympics when she led the field in the first round after touching down at 6.83 metres. In the end, the Indian couldn't improve further and settled for the sixth place.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Beggars to be removed from road

New Delhi has launched a campaign to clear the streets of beggars, as the city prepares to host this year's Commonwealth Games.

Mobile courts in the Indian capital are conducting summary trials of beggars, in an effort to revamp the city's image before October's games.

It is estimated that Delhi is home to about 60,000 adult beggars and according to experts, nearly half of the 100,000 street children in beg for a living.

The courts are now rotating through sections of New Delhi, conducting summary trials on beggars brought before the courts by police raids.

They operate under the the Bombay Prevention of Begging Act, which was passed in 1959 in Mumbai and extended to 18 states including Delhi, and makes it a criminal offence to beg.

The courts send habitual beggars to one of the dozen shelters the Delhi government has opened up. Children caught begging are sent to juvenile homes.

The New Delhi government now plans to create a database of beggars and set up biometric systems in the shelters to identify repeat offenders.

M.M Gupta, one of the duty magistrates says the drive by the civic authorities was to reform beggars and not imprison them.

"Rehabilitation centres are there for reforming them," he said.

"We are sending them there. We are not sentencing anybody, any beggars. We are just sending them for rehabilition purposes so they may have some shelther which they are in need of."

But Colin Gonsalvez, a New Dehi lawyer says the courts are attempting to drive beggars away from the city.

"Basically it's a drive to get rid of beggars in the city of Delhi," he said.

"To give an impression to the person coming for the Commonwealth Games that Delhi is a city without beggars. No poverty at all."

Commonwealth Games: 4 member committee to check labour law violations

The Delhi High Court appointed a four-member committee to check the violations of labour laws at Commonwealth Games project sites.

A bench comprising Chief Justice A P Shah and Justice Rajive Sahay Endlaw appointed Labour Commissioner and the Labour Secretary of the Delhi government, Mr A K Singh and R D Srivastava, former Indian Ambassador to the US Arundhati Ghosh and special rapporteur of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Lakshmidhar Mishra as members of the committee.

The High Court had yesterday sought a response from the Centre for its alleged failure to provide all benefits under labour laws to workers engaged in construction work for the upcoming Commonwealth Games.

The directions were passed on a petition filed by a Rights group, which alleged that neither the Government nor the private contractors involved in the mega project have taken note of the working conditions of the 4,15,000 labourers working at the construction sites.

The petitioner contended that there was rampant violation of labour laws as the workers were not being paid even the minimum wages.

In many cases, the wages were irregularly paid with considerable delay and with contractor’s often withholding part of the wages, it said.

The rights group alleged that there have been deaths of several workers at the work site which have not been recorded and the safety equipment were often not made available to workers, the Rights group alleged.

The Bench today directed that the four member committee headed by the labour commissioner will convene its first meeting on Monday and after verifying the allegations, report back to the Court on March 17.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Kalmadi thankful to PM & Sports Minister for their cooperation

NEW DELHI: Commonwealth Games Organising Committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi has thanked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Sports Minister M S Gill for their personal involvement and deep commitment in upholding the vision of the OC of producing the best ever games.

"I thank Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, Sports Minister Dr M S Gill and Sheila Dikshit, Chief Minister of Delhi for their personal involvement and deep commitment and support in upholding the vision of the Organising Committee of holding the best ever Commonwealth Games. Team India is working towards the success of the Commonwealth Games," Kalmadi said in an Organising Committee release.

Outlining the progress made so far, Kalmadi said rapid infrastructure development will showcase the city as a world destination equipped with all top amenities.

"Delhi is getting a sporting legacy on account of the rapid infrastructure development we are seeing in the city. Metro, world class airport will propel Delhi as a modern city with top amenities and will pave the way for further sporting action for the country."

Commonwealth Games will take place here from October 3 to 14.

Speaking at the occasion of the launch of the first ATM for the games by Central Bank of India, Kalmadi added that the partnership would see Central Bank of India retailing the tickets for the Games across its vast network in the country.

NSAs Told to Appoint Managers for Commonwealth Games

Kualalumpur: All national sports associations whose athletes have qualified for the Commonwealth Games and Asian Games have been asked to appoint their managers before the end of the month.

The National Sports Council (NSC) director-general, Datuk Zolkples Embong, said that the associations were also required to name only one manager each to facilitate the monitoring of athletes’ performance and welfare.

“They are also asked to name managers who can work and not appoint them based on their turn among the associations’ council members. Selecting managers based on their turn should no longer be practised,” he said yesterday.

Zolkples had earlier briefed representatives of 27 associations on the NSC’s programme for this year as well as the preparations for the New Delhi Commonwealth Games (Oct 3-14) and Guangzhou Asian Games (Nov 13-21).

Zolkples, who is the chef-de-mission of the contingent for the Asian Games, said that associations were also told to rationalise their athletes’ participation in championships abroad and in the country based on their budget capacity and the need to ensure that their athletes were not injured or experiencing fatigue.

On the NSC’s priority for the two Games, Zolkples said that it was up to the coaches to set the targets.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Games training for 10,000 school guides

The Delhi Government will provide 10,000 school guides for the inaugural function of the Commonwealth Games, Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit announced on Friday at the inauguration of the wrestling training venue for the Games at Ludlow Castle Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya near Kashmere Gate here.

She also informed that the demand for another 50,000 volunteers made by the Indian Olympic Association would be met in a phased manner.

The Chief Minister said all projects related to the sporting event would be completed well in time and funds would not be a problem as an additional Rs.1,300 crore has already been made available under the Plan outlay for the current year.

Ms. Dikshit said the construction of both Thyagraj and Chhatrasal stadiums was also going on at full swing and they are expected to be completed in March, 2010.

Commonwealth Games Organising Committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi while appreciating the pace of construction of the Games-related project, expressed confidence that they would all be completed within the stipulated time. Mr. Kalmadi said by organising the Commonwealth Games successfully, India would get an opportunity to lay its claim on hosting the Olympics.

Public Works Department Minister Raj Kumar Chauhan informed the gathering that construction of the Ludlow Castle training venue has been completed in a record time at a cost of Rs.13 crore.

Pictures of Revamped Major Dhyanchand National Stadium

The stadium was revamped at a cost of Rs 262 crore, is spread over 36 acres and has beeen renovated keeping in mind the Commonwealth Games in October.

The stadium has three synthetic pitches, two conforming to international standards and the third a practice pitch.

New polygrass turf has been laid on all the pitches, which are equipped with new sprinkler systems.

The second pitch outside the main arena has 900 permanent seats and with a provision of 1,600 temporary seats.

Both the pitches are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for the players like change rooms, relaxation lounges and a spacious VVIP lounge

Shooting range for Commonwealth Games inaugurated

New Delhi- Union Sports Minister M.S. Gill on Sunday inaugurated the reconstructed Karni Singh shooting range, loaded with advanced technology and equipment, just months after serious doubts were raised whether it could be ready in time for the Commonwealth championships, scheduled from February 17.

One of the major venues for the Commonwealth Games in October, Gill credited himself, the Sports Authority of India (SAI), the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) and the workforce for its speedy completion.

Gill admitted that he had doubts over the range being completed in time. “Nothing is lacking in this range. With its scenic beauty and the historical monuments around, this is the best shooting range in the world,” he said.

The President of the Commonwealth Shooting Federation, Graeme Hudson, said the venue could be rated among the top three ranges in the world. “India is coming up as a shooting power. I am sure after this state-of-the-art stadium, there will be events like World Cup and World championship here,” Hudson said.

The Minister promised that massive plantation and beautification would be done to make the site more attractive. “Plus, there will be a 200-seated hostel. This will be a self-contained facility to help the campers,” he said.

However, indoor and outdoor works are still on in the range and many areas are yet to be given the final touches. It was apparent that some of the decoration and civil works were done in haste for the inauguration.

Some top shooters of past and present — including Olympic silver medallist Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, Asian Games gold winner Randhir Singh, Asian Games medal winner Mansher Singh, multiple Commonwealth Games gold winner Samaresh Jung — were pleased to see the world-class infrastructure in place.

”We the shooters congratulate the Sports Ministry, SAI and CPWD for having built the range in such a short time,” said Randhir, also the Vice-Chairman of the Organising Committee Commonwealth Games. He said he was invited to the event as a shooter.

Rathore hoped that things would be fully ready by the Commonwealth championships. “Tomorrow onwards we are shooting here. It is like fitting a coat (for oneself). I think the problems will be sorted out before the test event,” he said.

Mansher suggested that the facilities needed to improve for holding an international meet. “With the rocks in place (in trap shooting), the aesthetics were better in the old range. The colour used here does not look great either,” he said.

OCCG Chairman Suresh Kalmadi, in a statement, said that he could not be present on the occasion because of prior commitments in Pune, his Parliamentary constituency. Apparently, only Kalmadi was invited from the OC for the function, a minor departure from what was followed when the Dhyan Chand National Stadium was inaugurated earlier.
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